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Let us decipher the distinctions between a "Nation" and a "Country"

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

Of late, the war broke out between Israel and Palestine took the world by storm. This is not a war, this is horrific to tarnish and demolish each other identity from the surface of Asia's established nations, sorry, countries, So to speak. the U.S.A., the U.K., and India have put their support directly to Israel. Significantly, every country knows well that Israel and its defense are bellipotent to combat any cantankerous either way. Apart from mentioning over about the phase of appraisal of Israel, let us shift our attention to understanding the differences between Indians and their empathy.


why do we people repugnance, of Being a Bharitya, and cite the different domination and so-called accusation of being distinct from the evident identity? As of now, I read the slew of articles, and books of several authors, and persuade myself to be an active participant over the distinct contents and topics. Unambiguously, I failed to figure out the content of satiate. Subsequently, the video on YouTube by J. Sai Deepak on "Recontextualizing Indian History" put me in a state of curiousness, to easily make out with better way of exploring the distinct ideas over whatever my curiosity was concerned. J Sai. Deepak articulated the exact testimonials of the astute status quo.


The main cause of a nebulous ideology


Now, The question arises here, what does the palpable interpretation of "a nation and a country" mean? As I mentioned the reference of J. Sai Deepak, who was delivering his speech before the students of a varsity. Meanwhile, his articulation made me see the differences between "a Nation" and "a country" through a prism of culture-oriented subjugation. while articulating his ideas on the pretext of his topic, he cited and gave references to Dr. B.R Ambedkar's book, Pakistan or the Partition of India. Pellucidly, Dr. B.R Ambedkar and his book make an immaculate sense of understanding. The Attuned clarifications, which were briefly mentioned by Dr. B.R Ambedkar, which is sheer unequivocally, stated that "a country" is a landmass that provides people with a "Karmbhoomi", a field of work for them to act upon and create their future. and in the case of "a nation", is PAST + PRESENT= NATION. This means to say, that "a majority of people should have at least shared views of the past and shared views of the future" which means to say, where we have to go. Unless we do have shared views, we cannot call it a "NATION".

The way, I came to know about Dr. B.R Ambedkar, made me implored to know about the differences and exact views of this author on several subjects.



Making out the differences


As of now, Bharat has made its clear stance of standing by Israel. Having said that, what about the opinion and heresy of the people of Bharat? No matter what the government did or what the sake of, the argument often being considered by which community is suffering. Undoubtedly, wiping out the cause and its effect, who made the step of inciting to whom, are always being set aside.

Interestingly, We have seen different demonstrations throughout the world, Particularly, in Bharat, On one side, people accused of propelling the state of Israel, protesting across the city with a perfect crowd of people,  and having demonstrated a strong bond and fidelity to the people of Palestine and another side, a chunk of people, prays and praises to the people of Israel, by the means of the Social-media; marking hashtags #wesupportisrael and the plethora of a fervent hashtags. Meanwhile, why do we see distinct opinions there? Does democracy lead participating people to divide their opinions and code of conduct, which exactly opposes the sovereignty of a country?



The seeds of inhumane allegiance


Especially, what thing causes someone to divide himself based on Caste, Color, and creed- is faith and professing himself to be a part of that clone. The major Setback of this always comes across as a loophole, and halts the progress of a country, per se. Let me share a remark of a girl, who is vehemently standing by Palestine and indicates the horrific persecution as a normal affair. that was of the sheer blitzkrieg. The was not for a carte blanche, this for cui bono? - The angst was raised amongst people throughout the world when a foreign lady was apprehended by the Hamas force and put in the back seat forcefully with an abundance of zeal.

 Let me put some plausible references, that would stun you:





this is an exact cause of concern, may all the "Bhartiye" put their country first and propel themselves to be a part of the Complete One doctrine of Bharat.

if it had been called forth, the bloody partition of Bharat would have happened.

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